بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

الاثنين، 26 يوليو 2010

Archaeological areas in Saudi Arabia

The story of people who owe Shoaib peace be upon him

Allah says in Sura Hood After the story sodomites, (, and diminish people their O my people! "Serve Allah, you have no other god give not short measure and balance, I see you well and I fear for you on punishment the vicinity of (

He says in the poets after the story (Wood senders lied to the owners, who said to them: not fear, I am a faithful messenger to you, so fear God and Obey, and I ask it: my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds)

Percentage peace be upon him

The people of the debtor folk Arabs live in their city, the debtor, which is close to the land of meanings of the parties to the Levant, close to the Lake sodomites. After them, and they were limited to close. And owes the city are known tribe of the sons of Midian debtor bin Ibrahim bin Khalil.

And is the son of Prophet Shuaib bin Mikel Icjn mentioned by Ibn Ishaq.

Said: Shoaib Bin snoring bin Levi son of Jacob.

Ibn Asaker: It is said his grandmother, said his mother-girl-Lot.

It was Abraham who believed and migrated with him, and entered with Damascus.

In an interview with Abu Dhar who in Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan to mention the prophets and the apostles said: "Four of the Arabs Hood, Saleh, Shoaib and the Prophet, O Abu Dhar"

Some of the salaf called Shu'aib preacher prophets meant for eloquence and his most high and his eloquence in the propaganda of his people to the faith of his letter.

It was narrated by Ibn Ishaq ibn Bishr Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said if Shu'aib said: (That preacher Prophets)

His story with his people, the people of debtor

He owes the people of infidels, cut off the way and scare passers-by, and worship the Wood is a tree of Aloik Grove wrapped around them.

They were the worst treatment of people, underestimate the weights and measures, and Itefvon them, take the excess amount and pay Bnaqs.

Then Allah sent them a man whom the Messenger of God Shoaib peace be upon him, called them to worship Allah alone with no partner, and he forbade them from the abuse of such Alovail ugly, it is carried by the Hashemite and scare them in their own ways and strangers believed in each other and Kafr most of them, so that Allaah has permitted their bass strong. Which is the guardian of Praise.

As he says: (And to Midian their brother Shoaib said: O my people worship Allah, you have no other god may have come aware of the Lord)

Any indication of the argument clear and irrefutable proof of the sincerity of what I come to him and he sent me, which God performed miracles at his hands, which did not transfer to us in detail, although the term was demonstrated as a whole.

(Clear Sign measure and balance and wrong not mankind in their goods do not do mischief on earth after the instructions).

Ordered them to justice and forbids injustice and vowing otherwise, he said: (is better for you if you are believers, do not sit on every path through any)) (promised any Ttotn people to take money from the tolls and otherwise, and Tkhiphun ways.

Al-Saddi said in its interpretation of the Companions "sit not on every path, threatening that" they were taking money from tithes passers-by.

Ibn Abbas said: "tyrants aggressors were some people sitting on the road means that people underestimate the Iashrounam. They were the first from the age of it.

(And turning away from God's way who believed in him and seeking to crooked) forbade them to cut off sensory secular, moral and religious

(And remember when you were little Vktherkm and see how was the end of spoilers)

Mentioned by the grace of God them in Tkthiarham after a few, and warned them that curse of God different from what he told them to him and point him, as he told them the story the other:

(And give not short measure and balance, I see you well and I fear for you the punishment on perimeter)

Ie not what you may ride some of it and keep going where God Fimhak pool is in your hands and Evqrkm, and go by what makes you independent.

This adds to the punishment of the Hereafter, and the collection of it this and this was the deal B losers.

Hahn, first, the use of so unworthy of Alttefev, looting and warned them of God's grace in this world, and the painful punishment in the Hereafter and violence most rebuke.

Then told them what was the order after sufficient warning for him: (O my people, fulfill your weights and measures with justice, and wrong not mankind in their goods, nor do evil mischief in the land, the rest of God's best for you if you are believers and I am not a keeper over you).

I said Abbas and Hassan Basri said: "God rest good for you" any Rizqallah better for you than taking people's wealth.

Ibn Jarir: What is the virtue of your profit after fulfillment of double and the balance is better for you than taking people's money Balttefev.

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "The usury that many, his fate is to say" no: to the few.

The Messenger of God peace be upon him "Albien option unless they separate the honest and Bina Burke The two parties involved in conceal and blessing of falsely sold."

It is intended that income from Mubarak, though it Say no man's land does not work, although many, and this was said by Prophet Shoaib "I was God's best for you if you are believers."

And he said, "and I'm a keeper over you" any order you to do what tags the sake of God and hope to see you do not reward me and others.

(They said: O Shuaib Oslatk Americanize to leave what our fathers worshiped or that we do in our money what we want you to You Halim good).

They say this as a mocking and belittling and sarcasm: Oslatk prays that this is a jus cogens you that we do not muzzle worship none but God and leave what our fathers worshiped ancient and ancestral? Or that do not deal only on the face, which would be acceptable to you and let the shock the transactions although, as we Nrdaha?

(He said: O my people, do you see that you are aware of the Lord blessed me with it baby Well what I want to Okhalvkm to forbid him that only want to fix what could compromise him except in God and to Him I turn).

With this soothing words and call them to the right door signal.

Say to them: Do you see O-believers that you are on is between God, and he sent me to you, and has enabled me to be a prophet and the message, and blindness, you know, what you trick me?

("And what I want to Okhalvkm to forbid him)

Any order you are not interested but I am the first actor, and if I forbid you to the first thing I leave him alone.

"What I want to Okhalvkm to forbid him that only want to fix what I can," ie what I want in all my only effective reform in the article on my own, and energy.

"What compromise" that is, in all my "In Him I trust only in God and to Him I turn in repentance"

Ie: it put my trust in other matters and the reference in my destiny and this serves as carrot.

Then go to the Attention of intimidation, he said: (O my people, not hatred of Shikaki that befall you like what befell the people of Noah or the people or the people in favor of Hood and sodomites you far).

Not transgressed any Thmlinkm Bgdkm and what I come to him to continue to misguidance and Jhlkm and Mkhafattkm, meanwhile, Allah is to you from suffering and for what they are permitted Alnekal Bnzeraikm and Ochaabahecm, of the people of Noah and the people of Hood and people in favor of the rejecters of offenders.

And he (and sodomites you far away)

Was meant in time, that is, the Covenant of the feet, which could one convey what allowed them to disbelief and Atohm.

It was said: What it means and what you are far away in the camp and place.

It was in the qualities and Almstqubhat acts of banditry and taking people's money openly and in secret, the types of tricks and suspicions.

The combination of these words as possible, they were not far of them do not Zmana or place in recipes.

Carrots and mix of intimidation, said: (And seek forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to God that is merciful and compassionate)

Any quit than when you and repent to your Lord, the Merciful, the Loving, it was he repents, repented, it is their merciful merciful towards His slaves than a mother to her child, and Dodd, a beloved, even after the repentance of sins, even slave bones.

They said: O Shuaib (the tunnel much what it says and unto us to see you weak).

It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that they said: He was a blind eye.

And (saying it not for Rhtk Rjmnak us what you loved)

This is one of disbelief and obstinacy heinous eloquent when they said: "What tunnel, which says a lot"

Do not understand what any Naklh, because we do not want do not want, and we have not discouraged him rush on it.

And saying (And surely see you us weak, oppressed abandoned any) () and not Rhtk any tribe and kindred of us (Rjmnak what you loved us).

(He said: O my people Orhti dearest to you from God)

Are you afraid of any tribes and clans and Troni because of them not afraid of the punishment of Allah and Traoni for I am the Messenger of God, became Rhti dearest to you from God "which God's side and behind your backs," which he is well aware of what ye do this and make of Ocean Sidzekm him the day he brought back to him.

(O my people, I Work on your prestige factor will know from the punishment he gets ashamed of and is a liar, and I am with you sergeant Artqbwa).

This is a severe threat and intimidation is sure to continue in their own way and their approach and like them, you'll know who have doers, and abase him, death and doom

Then you will () ashamed of any in this life

(And replace it torment resident in any other) (and) is a liar any of you with me and told the people and warned.

(And I am with you Sergeant Artqbwa)

This saying: (even if you believe, a range which I was sent and the range did not believe in patience until Allah judge between us He is the best).

(Chiefs of those who were proud of his people, the Best of O Shuaib and those who believe with you from our village or to return to our religion, or if we hate, you may Afterina a lie against Allah if we returned in faith? "After it God saved us and what we have to go back where only that pleases Allah, our Lord Expand the Lord all things to God unleash Lord open between us and our people right and you are the best conquerors).

Asked to respond as they claim, from a secure them to co-religionists Vantsb Shoaib for argument for his people, he said: (or if we hate)

Any of these do not come back to you a choice, but returned back to you if necessary because of crowding, because the faith if the hearts do not come into contact with widescreen notebook Ischth one, not a bounce it, this is inevitable for one of it.

For this he said: (Afterina had a lie against Allah if we go back in after they have faith? "God saved us and what we have to go back where he wants but the Lord God of our Lord can all put our trust in God note)

It is no Kavina, which protect a us, and our refuge in all the hurry.

Then Asfh to his people and his Lord Astnasr them to accelerate them what they deserve, he said: (Our Lord, open between us and our people right and you are the best heroes)

Any ruling he called them, and God is not prayer if Antsroh messengers to those who Jehdoh and Kvroh, and His Messenger, differed with him.

However, deaf to what they are Mstmlon. (Mtalpson the view and said leaders of the Unbelievers among his people then ye are ruined if the losers).

Loss of the people owe

Allah says: (So the earthquake cowering in their homes who now)

Mentioned in the fads and they took them shiver, or defibrillator their land and their strong earthquake shook the lost souls from their bodies, and rendered animal Kjmadha their land, their bodies became the knees, no souls, and movements and does not have senses.

Has brought upon them the types of sanctions and the plunge of Almthelat, and forms of calamities, due to a reputation for its unsightly qualities, shed upon them shiver severe housed movements, and sounds great put down sounds, and canopy sent them their spark fire from all its parts and bodies.

But the Almighty told them in every sura with appropriate context and agreed Tabagaha, in the context of the story norms Orgevoa Prophet and his companions, and Toteke expulsion from their village, or in the Devoured Iaudn Returning

He says: (So the earthquake prostrate in their homes by the morning)

Vkabl Alorgevav defibrillator and Scaring Balkhaevp This is appropriate this context, including related to its context.

As stated in Surat Al-Hood Hooray they took them, prostrate in their homes by the morning, because they said to the Prophet of God for sarcasm and mocking and belittling:

(Oslatk Americanize to leave what our fathers worshiped or that we do in our money what we want you You are the good Halim)

So it is appropriate to mention that are Kalzjr Hooray for abuse of this talk ugly faced by the Holy Prophet of the Secretary-Literate, Fjathm cry Osktaathm settled them with a shiver.

The poets in the AL stated that he took them on the punishment canopy, and it was asked to answer, and almost to what it wanted. They said:

(, They say you are bewitched, and you are but mortals like us, and those who follow nothing but liars, we fall on a piece of heaven if you are truthful, said: My Lord knows best what ye do).

God said He is the All-Knowing (torment overtook them on the canopy that he was suffering a great day).

They said they have suffered intense heat, and live God Blowing air their seven days was no benefit to them, however, no water, no light of their income in swarms,

They fled before Mahlthm into the wilderness, they came together Vozlthm cloud below to Istazloa shadow, when it sent by God Tkamiloa throw them Bcrr and meteors, and defibrillator their land and came the chant from the sky, having perished lives, and devastated the ghosts.

(Who now cowering in their homes, who lied Shu'aib if he had not dwelt there who have lied Shu'aib were the losers)

And God saved Shoaib and his believers. As he says is the most sincere of those who say:

(And when Our command came, We saved Shu'aib and those who believe with him and took us to the mercy of those who wronged Shout prostrate in their homes by the morning, if he had not lived there dimension of the debtor as straying Thamood).

Then he says that the Prophet Naahm themselves reproachfully and Reprovingly and Mqra, God said:

(O my people I conveyed the messages of my Lord and advised you)

Which has done what it was obligatory on the author's full advice and full and keen to Hdaitkm all appreciate it and Otousel to no avail you because Allah guides not to stray, and none to help them, I do not regret after this to you that you did not accept advice not afraid on the scandal.

To this he said: () How can I grieve any sad a people who (). Which does not accept the truth and do not return to it, nor the solution to turning them from a good God who does not return what does not defend and does not mind the inevitable for one to be made for him, and inevitably it.

The soldiers said Hafiz bin in its history from Ibn Abbas that "Shu'aib peace be upon him was after peace be upon him, and gave an alarm that bin Shu'aib peace be upon him died in Mecca and his faithful and their graves west of the Kaaba among the Seminar House, Dar Brown shares

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