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الاثنين، 26 يوليو 2010

Madain Saleh

Madain Saleh, the old name or the city of stone. Archaeological site in Saudi Arabia located in the province of the Ela region of Medina. And occupies a strategic location in the heart of the ancient world on the road connecting Mesopotamia and Yemen and the Levant and Egypt.

And the name of the stone homes Thamood Valley villages between Medina and Tabuk, [1].

Fall of stone at a distance of 22 km north-east of Ela at the Department of display 4726 to the north, longitude 5337 the east, called the stone on this place since ancient times, derives stone famous historical site on the ancient trade route that connects the south and the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant, and its owners, known as a people Thamood Koran, which came all beings that they had responded to a call in favor of the Prophet of God, and then wore their religion and Akarham camels that God sent them a sign.

According to Archaeology has lived in the stone city by authorized users, I.n in the third millennium BC. M. It is after them, inhabited by Allhiaon in the ninth century BC. M, in the second century BC. Occupied the Nabataeans city of stone and brought down the state of Bani Hayan and took from the houses of stone temples and tombs, was attributed Nabatean City building stone for themselves in the inscriptions found. City contains a huge amount of stone inscriptions and crural Alalehyanip that need to study the decryption.

Regions Ela, worms and Kherbip are the implications for Hianip oldest and perhaps back to 2991 BC. M as mentioned in the Koran I am sent down the Reminder and his privates were destroyed part of the earthquake and the city of stone are the effects of authorized users, traders I.n the first coming from the southern Arabian Peninsula

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